Looks like a field not far from the Labyerith Zone. :D
Looks like a field not far from the Labyerith Zone. :D
You when you reach 100 fans in 3 days. :D
What shall he do? Go fast? Go FASTER? Who knows. XP
Kinda looks like the croc from The Princess and the Frog. XD
A pleasant stroll, anyone? XD
I'm not a furry, I swear. XD
It's amazing how many fire-type Pokemon you used here. Good job man. :D
thank you so much! I really do love the fire type. It was time to dedicate a picture to them >:3
SOMEONE GET A CHARGER! His phone flatlined. XD
one of my biggest fears that my phone battery dies XD
I would be so lost without my phone v_v
That's a good idea though. Saves the moolah. :D
yes, absolutely! I'm still proud of that ending. It took months to figure out how they should get together and how the gym!AU should end.
Always looking flashy. :D
yes! most fabulous cavalry captain :D
Heyyy, welcome to my page! I'm kinda in a bind with school, internet problems, parents, and just life. But I will try to come here and please people, because I like to make people happy. :D Well, hope you like your stay here!
*Gasp* You pervert!
Rookie Artist/Editor
Who knows? XD
Under your porch. ¦;^
Joined on 4/27/21