Eeh, he had armor. It probably soaked up about 28% of the blow.
Eeh, he had armor. It probably soaked up about 28% of the blow.
Most likely his top did, yeah. Since Draga went straight for the stomach which has no plates protecting it, and she went for the first thing she could reach with her small sizes.
That's how ALL underdogs start off... Well some anyway.
That sums up life, really.
Sounds like it could be a whole book rather than a comic! I'm intrigued to see more. :D
Frankly, you wouldn't be wrong!
Most of the time I write plots and they end up to be relatively long, so it's a challenge to find that even ground between giving enough details to the events while also making some of the things you can decipher by just watching short and snappy. Still working on improving that aspect for the future works.
One can make a mod. XP
:^ smug face.
S. P. Oo. K. Y.
The facial expression alone tells u everything. XD
It would actually take 1 to 1 & 1/2 days to die from a nosebleed, if it's nonstop. (stupid joke alert XP)
i didnt know that!
Heyyy, welcome to my page! I'm kinda in a bind with school, internet problems, parents, and just life. But I will try to come here and please people, because I like to make people happy. :D Well, hope you like your stay here!
*Gasp* You pervert!
Rookie Artist/Editor
Who knows? XD
Under your porch. ¦;^
Joined on 4/27/21