A pretty balanced team, if you had it. :D
A pretty balanced team, if you had it. :D
Thank you!
Good old times XD
Good choice. XD
Early Starbucks reference, anyone? XD
Your computer skills are getting better! :D
thank you! :>
This is giving me some "Final Fantasy" vibes. XD
When your powers out and you gotta get to the breaker downstairs. XD
YASSSSS! Bruh Pokemon Gold was the revolutionary one of the early pixelated games, cause of the compression of the data, allowing you to visit the entirety of Kanto, along with Johto. And the ability to battle Red at Mt.Sliver brings SO MANY LURE STORIES- XP
it was sooo good! I'm so sad that never again we got the option to visit a previous region and battle their gym leaders. it was one of the coolest features!
Nice one! :D
Heyyy, welcome to my page! I'm kinda in a bind with school, internet problems, parents, and just life. But I will try to come here and please people, because I like to make people happy. :D Well, hope you like your stay here!
*Gasp* You pervert!
Rookie Artist/Editor
Who knows? XD
Under your porch. ¦;^
Joined on 4/27/21