How is it in July? (Christmas in July, anyone? XD)
How is it in July? (Christmas in July, anyone? XD)
Who doesn't think that Delphox and its previous evolutions are a stroke of genius!
Thats a pretty good trade. :D
May god have mercy on their ballsacks. XD
Is that a laser cannon? :D
Plasma Cannon, I feel Lasers are good for fast targets and plasma against tough ones and I see this walker as a tankbuster
I bet you passed cooking class with flying colors! XD
Please do. :D
Nah, I'll pass on the cookies now.
I'm actually allergic to them. XP
BET I DO!!! >:D
Also, this kinda reminds me of an acid dream. And a quote by Adam Sandler.
"I guess when you consume mass quantities of cough syrup and yodels, you get acid."
Heyyy, welcome to my page! I'm kinda in a bind with school, internet problems, parents, and just life. But I will try to come here and please people, because I like to make people happy. :D Well, hope you like your stay here!
*Gasp* You pervert!
Rookie Artist/Editor
Who knows? XD
Under your porch. ¦;^
Joined on 4/27/21