Yeah, I'm just making this to get rid of the last news post.
But hey, might as well say a few things.
One, I still gotta give a bunch of yall that present I talked about.
And also that Q&A, but we don't talk about that- XD
(I'm still making it; don't worry.)
And two, I'm trying to be more active, so that's good.
But with my mom taking my stuff left and right; school, and other stuff... It's hard. -m-
I'm still mostly active on Discord, so here's mine if you want it: gshibeboi
And yeah, that's about it.
See yall whenever. :3
- The not-so-ghosty-kid; Reggie
Well, buddy; already said you were included in the group!
It's just that I don't have a lot of time to do this; it will include a lot of people after all-